Muay thai visa

Our Education Visa

At Chiang Mai Inter Muay Thai School, we understand the desire to fully immerse yourself in the art of Muay Thai and the vibrant culture of Chiang Mai, Thailand. We provide an incredible opportunity for foreigners to stay in Chiang Mai for an extended period, ranging from six months to a year.

With our education visas, you can train at our renowned Muay Thai facility while also experiencing the rich traditions and breathtaking beauty of Thailand. Immerse yourself in the local community, learn the language, and gain a deeper understanding of the art of Muay Thai.


Muay Thai hand wrap at Xmax Thai Boxing Club, Chiang Mai Inter Muay Thai School, Thailand.

Our Story

On August 29, 2016, we proudly opened Xmax Thai Boxing Club with the aim of helping foreigners fulfill their Muay Thai dreams and experience training and living in Thailand. However we soon recognised the significance of providing a comprehensive learning experience with a Thailand Muay Thai Visa, so we pursued our certification and successfully obtained it in November 2020. This milestone led us to establish “Chiang Mai Inter Muay Thai School,” now enabling us to facilitate the process of obtaining an Education Visa for those interested in immersing themselves in our national sport for up to 1 year.

Contact us today for more information on how to apply for an education visa and start your journey of a lifetime in the heart of Muay Thai, Chiang Mai.

Muay Thai training, Chiang Mai Inter Muay Thai School, Xmax Thai Boxing Club.

Take the opportunity now!

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